ON THIS PAGE NOW:   157 People Quit Porn and Masturbation by Tobi Olabajo Someone just paid for the Sunday Recording  (just now)
On Sunday, June 25 2022, I hosted an online event where I revealed my breakthrough formula for quitting porn and masturbation addiction - and showed people exactly how to use it to overcome their pornography and masturbation addiction permanently...
Even if they have been addicted for a very long time and even if they have tried 'everything' to quit.
Look, I am confident that there is a good chance that you know me really well by now...
I am the popular Tobi Olabajo who struggled badly with masturbation and pornography addiction for 7 years
The popular Tobi Olabajo who wallowed in pain every day wondering if my addiction was either going to take me to hell, lead to a terrible sickness, or even worse... kill me
But that after months of long, painful, and almost-not-worth-it research, I was able to figure out a powerful formula for overcoming pornography and masturbation addiction (and habits generally).
I used this formula on myself and it helped me quit permanently. And since then, I have helped thousands of people become free from their bad habits permanently by showing them this formula.
After personally helping so many people, it then dawned on me that I could package this my powerful formula into an ebook - so people can easily get it and then use it to overcome their pornography and masturbation addiction permanently.
And that was what I did
I wrote an ebook where I revealed exactly how to overcome pornography and masturbation addiction permanently
And this my book has been changing lives everywhere...
Look, this book went so far that it landed me on a podcast
Yes, because of this book, I was interviewed on the Sail Podcast.
The host of the Sail Podcast bought my book and because of how powerful it was, he invited me to come speak on his podcast. Here was the intro...
And that was not all...
A prominent member of The Catholic Diocese in Lagos bought my book and because of how powerful it was, he recommended that their church organise an event on overcoming porn and masturbation addiction and then invite me to talk about this my super powerful formula
Few days ago, I was invited to speak about this my breakthrough formula at an event
Here was the publicized flyer for the event...
I am the one in the top right corner
As soon as I finished my talk at the event, I started getting messages from a lot of people on how impactful my talk was - and that they wanted to also buy my book...
And as if that was enough...
The organisers of the event were so impressed about how powerful my formula was that they sent me an award of recognition for how powerful and insightful my talk was
Here is it:
And just today, someone from that event sent me this message...
And that is not all...
Another person also bought this my very powerful book and because of how powerful it was, they decided to bring me to a live DSTV show to talk about it
Here was the flyer
Look, this my ebook on overcoming pornography and masturbation addiction has been changing lives everywhere
Everyday I wake up to amazing emails and messages from people on how my books are changing their lives...
I would get DMs from people who have been addicted for years tell me how my books liberated them
I would get random emails from people praising how easy and interesting reading my book was
It makes me happy that I am able to help people reclaim back their lives from their bad habits permanently
Look, my formula is changing lives everywhere
But in addition to changing lives through my book, I decided to do something even more powerful and personal...
I hosted an online event on Sunday 25th June 2022, where I literally handed my no-nonsense formula for overcoming pornography and masturbation addiction permanently to people that attended
Yes, you heard that correctly
I revealed my breakthrough formula that has helped over 3,081 people from 4 different countries overcome their pornography and masturbation addiction permanently
And not just that...
I also showed everyone that attended exactly how to apply this my breakthrough formula to overcome their addiction permanently and never ever relapse
It was such a powerful event
And how it worked was that
I first broke down pornography and masturbation - and habits generally. And then went on to show you why they have been so difficult to quit. And then revealed never-revealed before things about this habit.
Afterwards, I went on to show them how to quit. I revealed my breakthrough formula to them and showed them exactly how to easily apply it to quit this habit forever and ever.
And then finally, I went on show them how to never relapse. I revealed my anti-relapse formula so they will quit porn and masturbation once and for all. And never go on to relapse. I made sure to show them everything they needed to know to bury this dangerous habit for good.
But hours after I ended this event, I started getting calls and messages from a lot of people that they were unable to attend my event for certain reasons
Some couldn't attend because they were shy to attend a live online event. They said they didn't want anyone to recognize them
And then they started begging me to sell them the recording of the event...
At first I was relunctant, but I soon gave in and started selling the recording of this powerful event where I revealed highly wondrous and powerful things to help people overcome their pornography and masturbation addiction permanently
After selling this recording to about 17 people, it then dawned on me that I could release this recording to the public and have even more people have access to it and use the life-changing information in it to overcome their pornography and masturbation addiction permanently.
So if you wanted this as well, I have good news for you
You can now watch the recording of this powerful event, discover my breakthrough formula and use it to overcome your pornography and masturbation addiction permanently
Yes you read that correctly
I am going to give you access to the recording of this powerful event so you can discover my breakthrough formula and use it to overcome your pornography and masturbation addiction permanently
Okay, I know what you are thinking now...
So what is the investment for this powerful and life-changing recording?
Okay, here is the thing
Allow me to throw that question back to you...
What do you think the investment of this life-changing recording should be?
In this recording, that I call The Sunday Recording, I revealed my super powerful formula that can change your life for the best
And by looking at everything this formula will be saving you from, how much do you think this formula should be worth?
N13,000? or N50,000? or N70,000?
As a person, quitting masturbation permanently at the time I quit it - saved me from having a N1,890,000 surgery
If all this formula did was save you from having a surgery as a result of your pornography or masturbation addiction, how much would it be worth to you?
How much?
Surgeries may even be extreme cases, but what if all this did for you was give you that peace of mind that you have always been looking for, that feeling of being in control that you have always wanted...
How much is your peace of mind worth to you? And how much would you cheerfully pay to get it?
I want you to think about this...
If all this did was give you back your confidence, help you reclaim your relationships and make you healthier, how much would it be worth to you?
Pause and reflect on this
What do you think the investment of this should be?
Fact is, this formula is worth way more than N60,000 but...
But since I want to help, I won't ask you for that
I won't even ask you for half of that
I will instead let you have it for a small investment of ₦9,997 only
Yes, you heard that correctly
I will let you have this recording where I revealed my super powerful formula that can help you quit pornography and masturbation for a small price of ₦9,997 only
You will agree with me that for effective strategies that can help you quit pornography and masturbation permanently, ₦9,997 is a very fair investment, right?
Especially because addiction generally is a serious thing, and no where on the internet will you find something as effective as this for a meager sum of N16,000 talk less of ₦9,997
No where. It will always be way above that
So ₦9,997
But wait, before you pay ₦9,997, hold on
I have another good news for you
Yesterday morning, an NGO sent me an email
The name of the NGO is Light and Freedom Foundation
They are based in Benin and are into helping youths generally
Here was the email they sent to me:
As you can see from the email above, they are donating 50,000 to me
Here is a screenshot of the alert of the money they sent to me...
So because of the 50k they sent, I will be discounting this ebook for the next 10 people to get it
Yes, the next 10 people only!
These 10 people only need to pay ₦4,997 for this ebook as I am going to take off ₦5,000 from the ₦9,997 for them
Yes you read that correctly
These 10 people will be paying ONLY ₦4,997 for this life-changing recording - as against the original price of ₦9,997 (a ₦5,000 discount!)
And this doesn't end there
As a sign of good faith, I am also going to give these 10 lucky people a copy of my bestselling ebook, "Quit Porn and Masturbation by Tobi Olabajo"
This one...
The Quit Porn and Masturbation ebook is my bestselling ebook where I revealed everything you need to overcome your pornography and masturbation addiction permanently
The Quit Porn and Masturbation ebook was surgically written to show you what exactly you need to do to quit pornography and masturbation permanently
Yes, that's right
No fillers. No BS. Just practical and easy-to-apply strategies to help you quit pornography and masturbation permanently
Everything in this ebook is straightforward and it is a "do this, and this" kind of ebook
No long tales and no boring theories. Just practical, effective, straight-to-the-point and super easy-to-apply strategies that can help you quit pornography and masturbation permanently
The Quit Porn and Masturbation ebook is a really powerful ebook and has helped over 3,081 people in Ghana, Kenya, Nigeria and the UK overcome their addiction permanently
This ebook will assuredly help these 10 lucky people quit their masturbation addiction permanently
These 10 lucky people are going to get The Quit Porn and Masturbation ebook for FREE (Valued at N10,997)
So now, the next 10 lucky people to get the life-changing Sunday Recording are going to get two things:
Valued at ₦9,997
Valued at N10,997
For a super small investment of:
Yes, you read that correctly. You are getting both the life-changing Sunday Recording and the Quit Porn and Masturbation ebook for just ₦4,997 if you are one of the next 10 people to get the Sunday Recording
But the thing is this...
If you are interested in this then you must hurry because when I announced this offer on my Whatsapp Status yesterday night, 3 people immediately paid for this
(Emails were hidden for privacy purposes)
And just a few minutes ago, 3 more people paid
(Emails were hidden for privacy purposes)
So in total, 7 people have taken advantage of this discount already and only 3 lucky people are left
I am also advertising this page on Facebook, Instagram, Youtube and Quora and there are a lot of people on this page right now
So if you want to get both the life-changing Sunday Recording and the Quit Porn and Masturbation ebook at the discounted price, then you must hurry and take action right now before the people on this page pick up the last 3 spots
Simply make payment and then tell me where to send your copy to - and I will send it to you immediately. Hurry!
Where do I send your copy to?
Your Name *
Your Email *
*I am sending The Sunday Recording and the Quit Porn and Masturbation ebook to your email,
You must fill in Your Email and Name in the fields above
Don't miss out. Hurry and take advantage of the discount before the people on this page pick up the remaining 3 slots. Don't be left out. Click on the button above to get your copy right now before it is too late!

Registration has ended.
Registration was closed at exactly 11:59pm, Saturday 25th June 2022
Tobi Olabajo:
Hi , I noticed you are scanning this page and not actually reading it.
All the information in this page are linked to each other so if you miss one section, you won't likely understand the other.
I advice you diligently read this if you are serious about quitting your bad habits permanently.
And don't worry, it will be worth it
Read the content in this page carefully, it will be totally worth it.
This offer has expired!
Sorry! You missed it!
But do you still want this book? If yes, fill the form below and I may consider letting you get it

I will let you get the ebook
But , to be fair to my word - since you missed this offer the last time, I am sadly unable to let you have it for ₦5,495 again. Yes, sadly. The ₦5,495 offer has expired
But , I really like the reason you said you wanted this ebook - so because of that, I am going to do something special for you
This is what I would do for you
As against letting you to pay the original price of ₦9,997 for this ebook, I will instead let you have it for ₦6,495 only
Do you think that is a fair price?
₦6,495... as AGAINST paying ₦9,997
If you believe that is a fair price, then simply click on the button below, make your payment and I will send The Ultimate Habit Quitting Formula ebook and 2 FREE HUGE Bonuses to your email, immediately
Tell me where to send your copy to
*The Ultimate Habit Quitting Formula ebook and 2 HUGE Bonuses will be sent to the email above

NOTE: This ₦6,495 special offer expires in . I hope you don't miss it

Should I Upgrade your Order?
  YES! Upgrade My Order NOW!
A Free Man in Days: Get Tobi’s bestselling workbook where he further breaks down EACH of the elements in this formula and then reveals a daily step-by-step course of action to follow to quit bad habits permanently in record time. Simply follow the daily step-by-step action plan in this workbook and victory is guaranteed. Click on YES above to add this special ONE TIME ONLY offer to your order for ONLY ₦7,995 ₦4,000. (This offer is not available anywhere else - and our most successful students chose this upgrade)
The Ultimate Habit Quitting Formula (Ebook)
A Free Man in Days (Workbook)
Tell me where to send your copy to
*The Ultimate Habit Quitting Formula ebook and 2 HUGE Bonuses will be sent to the email above