The Ultimate Habit Quitting Formula by Tobi Olabajo
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Use this Insanely Powerful Formula to Quit your Bad Habits Permanently
Even if you have been addicted for a very long time and even if you have tried 'everything' to quit
The Ultimate Habit Quitting Formula ebook reveals a super powerful formula to quit bad habits permanently
This revolutionary formula is hands-down the easiest system to confidently and permanently quit your bad habits
The Ultimate Habit Quitting Formula ebook was surgically written to show you what exactly you need to do to quit your bad habits permanently
Yes, that's right
No fillers. No BS. Just practical and easy-to-apply strategies to help you quit your bad habits permanently
Everything in The Ultimate Habit Quitting Formula book is straightforward and it is a "do this, and this" kind of book
No long tales and no boring theories. Just practical, effective, straight-to-the-point and super easy-to-apply strategies that can help you quit your bad habits permanently
Praises for The Ultimate Habit Quitting Formula book
Meet Tomisin Mercy
Tomisin is a Lawyer living in Lagos, Nigeria
Growing up, Tomisin got addicted to Procrastination and wasn't getting anything done
She was what you would call a 'Chronic Procrastinator'
She never achieved her goals on time and this one bad habit caused her pain and disappointment for so many years
And not just that, this bad habit also spread to many areas of her personal and career life
To say the least, she was a mess
She tried everything to quit
She tried using her willpower
She tried so many things but failed to quit everytime
Not until she found this formula that has helped over 1,015 people from 13 countries quit 27 various bad habits permanently
She applied this formula and everything changed for her
She started getting things done and her life changed for the better
Listen to Tomisin yourself. Watch the Video below
And Tomisin is not the only one who has testified to the strategies in this book doing wonders for them
Meet Ken Mwangi
Ken is a man living in Eldoret, Kenya
Growing up, due to the desire to look cool among his friends, Ken got addicted to Smoking
Ken stayed addicted for 7 years and tried everything possible to quit
He even relocated from Nakaru to Eldoret just so he could leave his friends that influenced him
He tried everything thinkable
His smoking habit was causing him so much pain in life
And his breathing had already began slowing drastically
His skin had also started becoming really irritating
But as soon as he got The Ultimate Habit Quitting Formula book and learnt of this formula, he was able to quit his smoking habit permanently
And today, his breathing has improved and he has not smoked for the past 47 days
He couldn't make a video testimony and instructed that I do not use his picture for this testimony for privacy reasons but instead sent an email
He said The Ultimate Habit Quitting Formula gave him back his life. Read his email below
"Your book is something I wish I found 5 years ago, life wouldn't have gotten this bad for me. Look, I got addicted to smoking about 7 years ago when I was in Kabarak University. I tried everything to quit. I had tried a lot of things to quit but 90% of what I tried were absolutely impractical and didn't work. I even relocated from Nakaru to Eldoret so I could get away from my smoking friends who influenced me but nothing. My breathing was almost gone. I coughed more than 100 times daily. You need to have seen my skin. My smoking habit put me in a very bad state but that Tuesday I was just browsing my Facebook when I saw your book and I won't lie, I had doubts initially about what this was and if it would actually work but I went on to pay for it and started applying the things in it, and here am I shouting praises about your book everywhere. I have not smoked for the past 47 days and my breathing is getting better and my cough has reduced very well. I have even sent your book to two of my cousins in Nakaru who are addicted to smoking and pornography respectively and they have been started seeing progress too. God bless you. Yes, I would recommed your book over and over again. It gave me back my life"
And that is not even all
Meet Danielle Evans
Danielle lives in the United States of America
Danielle thanked me for putting together such a great book for addicts
Listen to what Danielle has to say yourself. Play the video
And there are still more people like you who have tried this formula and have gotten results from it...
"Your book is good. So good"
Sulaiman Atanda from Lagos, Nigeria
Tobi, your book changed my life. I will forever be grateful to you for this. Wow! This is good. So good
"I am grateful I got this book"
It's actually very nice. I almost passed it but I am grateful I didn't.

I almost passed it because this is not my first attempt at quitting my smoking habit so I was a bit doubtful of if a 'formula' for quitting smoking really does exist but then, upon reading this book, I thanked myself for listening to my gut to get this book as I am grateful I got it.

My favorite chapter is the one on the 'Habit Quitting Belief System.' You need to see my room right now (lol)

And after doing the exercises in Page 15 for two days, I realized why you said we should do this

Big ups to you brother, thanks for sharing this to the world

And your workbook helped too!

- Ayo Fadahunsi from Ogbomosho, Nigeria.
(Sent via email on September 6, 2020 at 3:46pm)
And there are still more...
"I have been FREE for 13 days now"
In most of your examples on the book and even in most of your testimonies, the habits you kept on referencing was smoking, pornography and since I wasn't seeing mine (Food addiction). I wanted to skip your book

But then again, I just thought that since you called it "The Ultimate Habit Quitting Formula" then just maybe (I wasn't sure) it will work for mine too

Also since I have this belief that smoking, pornography and others are 'bigger' habits than mine. I thought, if this formula can work for tough habits, then it may also work for me so I decided to get it

Like I said, I have food addiction and it has made me almost obese but using your habit formula, I have been able to quit

And so far, I have been able to control my eating for the past 13 days now so I guess I can say I have quit


- Brian from Ontario, Canada
(Sent via email on August 4, 2020 at 6:33pm)
"This book will change lives"
Tunde Korede from Lagos, Nigeria
This is a very good book for anyone looking to quit their bad habit. Your wealth of knowledge on this topic is so obvious. I like that it contains a step-by-step guide. I am sure this book will change lives. I am sure this book will. It is so good!
"I was addicted for 8 years but now FREE!"
I have been addicted to Marijuana for 8 years now and I won't lie, I have gotten used to engaging in it and it was actually never in my plan to quit it

So even when I paid for your book and downloaded it, I didn't bother opening it because deep down I didn't want to quit it

But a friend of mine that lives opposite my hostel here in Kumasi died of overdose about a month ago and when I heard the news, I feared that this could happen to me too

It was during that time that I now remembered your book and decided to read it

I already said I was going to send you a testimony if I am able to stay off Marijuana for 30 days but when I got your email, I decided to reply now

Your book is good and by using your formula I have been able to stay off my habit for 21 days now so it worked

And don't worry, I will still write you when I get to 30 days

Thank you
- Dorcas Friday from Kumasi, Ghana.
(Sent via email on September 17, 2020 at 1:21pm)
"The best thing I have ever read"
Holy Israel from Kogi, Nigeria
This is literally the best book I have ever read. Straight-to-the-point, practical and very insightful. The most fascinating thing for me in this book is 'the default-self concept'. Totally love it
"I recommend this a hundred times over"
Maximilliano Krys from Cross River, Nigeria
Great book. It is literally unputdownable. No body who is 'trapped' and is genuinely interested in his/her freedom will regret having this ebook. Love it. I recommend it a hundred times over. This is good. Changed my life
As you can see for yourself, this book and this formula is changing lives around the world
This formula has been tested and used by over 1,015 people from over 13 countries quit 27 various bad habits
The question is, are you next?
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Tobi Olabajo:
Hi , I noticed you are scanning this page and not actually reading it.
All the information in this page are linked to each other so if you miss one section, you won't likely understand the other.
I advice you diligently read this if you are serious about quitting your bad habits permanently.
And don't worry, it will be worth it
Read the content in this page carefully, it will be totally worth it.
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A Free Man in Days: Get Tobi’s bestselling workbook where he further breaks down EACH of the elements in this formula and then reveals a daily step-by-step course of action to follow to quit bad habits permanently in record time. Simply follow the daily step-by-step action plan in this workbook and victory is guaranteed. Click on YES above to add this special ONE TIME ONLY offer to your order for ONLY ₦7,995 ₦4,000. (This offer is not available anywhere else - and our most successful students chose this upgrade)
The Ultimate Habit Quitting Formula (Ebook)
A Free Man in Days (Workbook)
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