A Revolutionary Step-by-step Action Plan to Quit ANY Bad Habits in Days... ON THIS PAGE NOW:   72 People
It turns out that there is a daily action plan that you can follow to quit any bad habit permanently and it works...
Even if you have tried "everything" to quit
And... even if you have been addicted for a very long time
But wait...
Before I proceed, let me ask you something
What would quitting your bad habits permanently... mean for you?
How would quitting make you feel?
My name is Tobi Olabajo
I am an Ex-addict, a Life Strategist and the Bestselling Author of The Ultimate Habit Quitting Formula and Quit Porn and Masturbation
7 years ago, I was badly addicted to Pornography, Masturbation and three other deadly habits
And back then, a certain thought that constantly came to my mind every single day was...
What if my bad habits kill me?
What if they make me sick?
Just what if they lead to something unpleasant...
What if they damage my future...
What if...?
There is an old adage that says, Bad habits never ends well... and that scared me
I started to try to get myself to quit
I tried to distract myself to quit
I tried using my willpower to quit
I tried using prayers to quit
But if anything, all this did for me was make my addictions stronger...
After trying just about everything to quit my bad habits, I decided to take laws into my own hands...
I started reading books on Habits
And I started taking courses
In total, I read 17 books on habits and took 4 courses on habits
But many of the strategies in the books and courses I took were either too difficult to apply or were super impractical to apply and they failed to help me quit
I felt doomed...
And I felt stuck
Was I going to remain addicted for life?
God forbid!
I was determined to quit so I kept researching
And one day...
One lucky day, I was reading about a Professor and found out that she co-authored a research paper on Habits formation and Habit change
I was interested
I paid for the research paper
Applied everything in it and combined the strategies in it together with some of the effective strategies I picked up from the books and courses I took... and boom! I was able to quit my bad habits permanently
I was excited
And then started giving everyone around me that were addicted to various bad habits these strategies and they also went on to quit their bad habits permanently too
And that was when it dawned on me that I had discovered something powerful...
That was when it dawned on me that what I had discovered was a recipe
A formula
A formula to quit ANY bad habit permanently... and easily
I then figured that I could help a lot more people if I packaged this formula into an ebook and that I immediately did...
I wrote an ebook that thoroughly explained how people can use this formula to quit their bad habits permanently and started selling it online
The ebook was appropriately titled "The Ultimate Habit Quitting Formula"
Here is the cover
And true to my initial thoughts... this ebook was helping people quit
I would wake up and get emotional emails from people in different countries telling me how the formula helped them quit
I would get random videos of people saying thank you to me - after reading my ebook
It was such a great feeling. I was excited that I was helping people
It made me happy to see people quit their bad habits permanently
The most amazing email yet was from a guy called Kojo
Meet Kojo Osei
Kojo is a man living in Takoradi, Ghana
Growing up in high school, Kojo felt he wasn't attractive enough to get girls, and since he had seen his classmates watch porn and even masturbate, Kojo felt this was a great alternative to getting girls and having sex
So Kojo followed in the footstep of his friends. He started watching porn and masturbating
Every time he had the urge, Kojo will stop whatever he was doing and run to a private place to masturbate
Kojo became addicted. He couldn't control himself and the urge
At the time, Kojo didn't know he has gotten addicted and was causing himself harm. He instead thought he was having fun
Then overtime, something started happening
Kojo started feeling this guilt
Now, Kojo was a very good christian. He believed in God
Every single time Kojo masturbated, he started feeling like he was sinning against God
Also during this time, Kojo soon started feeling the real consequences of pornography and masturbation addiction
He noticed he has started losing interest in sex and was now unable to keep an erection or achieve orgasm during sex and this was when Kojo started getting scared
He felt this could probably lead to even more dangerous things
And this was when he started looking for solutions
This was when he started looking for ways to quit porn and masturbation
He tried so many things and felt defeated everytime
He tried to quit by controlling himself and by praying fervently but he just couldn't quit
But he kept praying that solution would come
And one day as God would have it, Kojo was scrolling through his Facebook and came across my book, The Ultimate Habit Quitting Formula
He paid for it and as soon as he learnt of this formula, he was able to quit his 8 years pornography and masturabation habit for good
And today, his erection has improved and he feels great and healthy
And most importantly, he now feels like he is doing the will of God and no longer sinning
He couldn't make a video testimony and instructed that I do not use his picture for this testimony for privacy reasons but instead sent an email
He said The Ultimate Habit Quitting Formula gave him back his life. Read his email below
"Tobi you are a blessing. And thank God for making me find your book. I just wish I found you or your book earlier. Look, I had tried a lot of things to quit this my porn habit, but 90% of what I tried were absolutely impractical and didn't work. My porn and masturbation habit constantly made me feel empty. It made me feel like I was going downhill. It made me feel like I was betraying my God. I got addicted when I was in high school and stayed addicted all these years. I had this feeling that this habit was ruining me but I just found it hard to quit. But as God would have it, that Thursday I was just browsing on my Facebook when I saw your book and as soon I saw it and read your story. Something in me just said, this is it. I paid for your book and started applying the things in it, and here I am. Free and free for life. I have not watched a single porn video in the last 2 months and I am sure I would never watch again. My erection has gotten better and I feel healthier and whole. Tobi, God bless you for your book and I pray he continually reward you for writing this book. God bless you. Please send me the link for your book again, I want to get it for 2 of my friends here in Takoradi. Thanks again"
And that is not even all
Hear what Israel had to say
"The best thing I have ever read"
Holy Israel
This is literally the best book I have ever read. Straight-to-the-point, practical and very insightful. The most fascinating thing for me in this book is 'the default-self concept'. Totally love it
"I recommend this a hundred times over"
Maximilliano Krys
Great book. It is literally unputdownable. No body who is 'trapped' and is genuinely interested in his/her freedom will regret having this ebook. Love it. I recommend it a hundred times over. This is good. Changed my life
I was getting a lot of praises for my ebook...
I was happy
My formula was changing lives!
I was feeling fulfilled
And everything was going really well until one day
When I got an email from a man one Sunday afternoon...
When I asked for his permission to share this email, he gave me a go ahead but asked that I protect his privacy by not revealing his name
So, in this post, I would call him "Mr. Fred" (not his real name)
Here is the email Mr. Fred sent to me:
"Hello Tobi, I bought your book two days ago. And upon reading it, I truly enjoyed it and noticed that it is way different from every book on habit out there. I love how it is detailed and how you were very vulnerable all along. But Tobi, I have a problem. I have issues sifting through books. I would have loved if your book was like a workbook. Where you tell me what exactly to do daily or weekly to quit my smoking habit. I would have loved if there was an action plan to follow. Something like a daily to-do list. Something like that would have helped me tremendously well. For instance, I struggled to know if the Triggers strategy was what I should apply first or last. Or if the Reward strategy was something I ought to do 2 days after. I would have loved if your book worked like a workbook where I get a daily action plan to follow. Look Tobi, quitting my habits is really important to me. And from reading this your The Ultimate Habit Quitting Formula book, I am sure you can help me. So if you ever write a workbook on this formula you revealed in this book, call my number (081**47****) and I would be the first to buy it
Mr. Fred's email felt so personal and sent me into deep thinking
He was basically saying that my strategies would have been more helpful to him if I broke each part of the formula into a daily action plan to follow to quit his habits
It made sense, but then, over 2,431 people from 13 countries have bought my ebook and Mr. Fred is just one person saying that he preferred if it was written like a workbook
So while I took note of his email, I didn't take it that much to heart...
But then again, about a week later after I got Mr. Fred's email, I got 2 similar emails from two other people
Of the 2 extra emails I received, the first one felt even more detailed on the fact that she wished my formula had a step by step daily action plan
And that was when I knew I needed to do something about this...
That was when I knew that I could help people a lot more effectively if I broke down all the parts of this formula into a daily step by step action plan for people to follow to quit their habits permanently
So that people do not bother themselves on which part of the formula they should apply first or last to quit
Or which part they should apply in the day or in the night to quit their habits permanently
The idea here was to help people quit faster by showing them the exact thing they should do daily to quit
It made sense. And I figured it was going to help people quit even more faster
So I decided to write an ebook that reveals a daily action plan for people to follow to quit any habit permanently
BECOME A FREE MAN IN DAYS: A Revolutionary Daily Action Plan to Follow to Quit ANY Bad Habit Permanently
This ebook reveals a daily action plan to follow to quit your bad habits permanently
It is based on my super effective formula that has helped so many people quit their bad habits permanently
The major difference here is that instead of handling you a formula to follow to quit your habits. In this book, I broke down all the elements of this formula into easy daily action plans
In this ebook, you will find things like: For Day 1, do this. On Day 2, do this etc
It is written like a workbook. Like a manual
Yes, that's right
There are no fillers. No BS. Just practical and easy-to-apply strategies to help you quit any bad habit permanently
Everything in this ebook is straightforward
It immediately shows you a daily action plan to follow to quit smoking, pornography, masturbation, procrastination and any bad habit really...
No long tales and no boring theories. Just practical, effective, straight-to-the-point and super easy-to-apply strategy that can help you quit any habit you are addicted to permanently
I know you are probably thinking right now...
So what is the investment for this ebook?
Well, allow me to throw that question back to you...
What do you think the investment of this book should be?
This book reveals a daily action plan that can change your life for the best
And by looking at everything quitting your bad habits will be saving you from, how much do you think this daily action plan should be worth?
GH₵ 270? or GH₵ 400?
Understand that this is an ebook that reveals a daily action plan. This is not a theoritical book. This is a full time practical book
It is not supposed to be cheap
So think again, how much do you think this ebook should be worth?
GH₵ 310? or GH₵ 600? or GH₵ 720?
As a person, quitting my bad habits permanently at the time I quit it - saved me from having a $4,860 (equivalent of GH₵ 28,017) surgery
If all this did was save you from having a surgery as a result of your bad habit, would it be worth it to you?
Surgeries may even be extreme cases, but what if all this did for you was give you that peace of mind that you have always been looking for, that feeling of being in control that you have always wanted...
How much is your peace of mind worth to you? And how much would you cheerfully pay to get it?
GH₵ 400? GH₵ 510?
I want you to think about this...
If all this did was give you back your confidence, help you reclaim your relationships and make you healthier, how much would it be worth to you?
Pause and reflect on this
What do you think the investment of this should be?
GH₵ 400?
Fact is, this daily action plan is worth way more than GH₵ 400 but...
But since I want to help, I won't ask you for that
I won't even ask you for half of that
I will instead let you have it for a small investment of GH₵ 156 only
Yes, you heard that correctly
I will let you have this revolutionary daily action plan that can help you quit ANY bad habit for a small price of GH₵ 156 only
You will agree with me that for a daily action plan that can help you quit your bad habits permanently, GH₵ 156 is a very fair investment, right?
Especially because addiction generally is a serious thing, and no where on the internet will you find something as effective as this for a meager sum of GH₵ 206 talk less of GH₵ 156
No where. It will always be way above that
So GH₵ 156
But wait, before you pay GH₵ 156, hold on
I have another good news for you
Today is the anniversary of my bestselling ebook, The Ultimate Habit Quitting Formula
Yes, its been 4 years since I wrote and launched this book
And true to my initial thoughts when I launched this book, The Ultimate Habit Quitting Formula book has been making impact around the world
It has been helping everyone quit
So to celebrate, I will be discounting my BECOME A FREE MAN IN DAYS ebook for the next 4 people to get it
Yes, the next 4 people only! Because I am celebrating 4 years of helping people quit their bad habits permanently
These 4 lucky people only need to pay GH₵ 106 for this ebook as I am going to take off GH₵ 40 from the GH₵ 156 for them
Yes you read that correctly
These 4 lucky people will be paying ONLY GH₵ 106 for this revolutionary daily action plan - as against the original price of GH₵ 156 (a GH₵ 40 discount!) because of my book 4 years anniversary
And this doesn't stop there...
As a sign of good faith, I am also going to give these 4 lucky people the latest version of my bestselling ebook, The Ultimate Habit Quitting Formula
The Ultimate Habit Quitting Formula ebook is a book that reveals a super powerful formula to quit habits of any kind
From Procrastination to Smoking etc
This book has directly helped more than 1000 people in 13 different countries quit their bad habits permanently
And here is what you need to know. The Ultimate Habit Quittng Formula ebook reveals the main formula. And knowing all the intricacies around this formula through this book will help you have a solid foundation when following the daily action plan in the BECOME A FREE MAN IN DAYS ebook
And what is also beautiful is that the latest version of The Ultimate Habit Quitting Formula ebook is even more practical and powerful
These 4 lucky people are going to get The Ultimate Habit Quitting Formula ebook for FREE (Valued at GH₵ 176)
So now, the next 4 people to get the BECOME A FREE MAN IN DAYS ebook are going to get two ebooks:
Valued at GH₵ 156
Valued at GH₵ 176
For a super small investment of:
GH₵ 106
Yes, you read that correctly. You are getting those 2 ebooks for just GH₵ 106 if you are one of the next 4 people to get the BECOME A FREE MAN IN DAYS ebook
But the thing is this
If you are interested in this then you must hurry because when I announced this discount on my Whatsapp earlier today, 2 people immediately paid for the ebook
(Emails were hidden for privacy purposes)
Which means 2 people have taken advantage of this discount already and only 2 lucky people are left
I am also advertising this page on Facebook, Instagram, Youtube and Quora and there are a lot of people visiting this page right now
So if you want to get both ebooks at the discounted price, then you must hurry and take action right now before the people visiting this page pick up the last 2 spots
Simply make payment and then tell me where to send your copy to - and I will send it to you immediately. Hurry!
Where do I send your copy to?
Your Name *
Your Email *
*Your two ebooks, BECOME A FREE MAN IN DAYS and The Ultimate Habit Quitting Formula will be sent to the email you write above
You must fill in Your Email and Name in the fields above
Don't miss out. Hurry and take advantage of the discount before the people visiting this page pick up the remaining 2 slots. Don't be left out. Click on the button above to get your copy right now

NOTE: As long as you can still see this page then the offer above is still on. As soon as the final 2 people pick up the last GH₵ 106 slot, then the content in this page will be deleted and a new page where this book will start being sold for GH₵ 156 will be created

Make a Direct Bank Transfer of GH₵ 106 to:
Olabajo Oluwatobiloba David
And then:
Email tobi@badhabitformula.com with your evidence of payment
Your book will be sent to you immediately
This offer has expired!
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But do you still want this book? If yes, fill the form below and I may consider letting you get it

I will let you get the ebook
But , to be fair to my word - since you missed this offer the last time, I am sadly unable to let you have it for GH₵ 156 again. Yes, sadly. The GH₵ 156 offer has expired
But , I really like the reason you said you wanted this ebook - so because of that, I am going to do something special for you
This is what I would do for you
As against letting you to pay the original price of GH₵ 156 for this ebook, I will instead let you have it for ₦1,997 only
Do you think that is a fair price?
₦1,997... as AGAINST paying GH₵ 156
If you believe that is a fair price, then simply click on the button below, make your payment and I will send The Ultimate Habit Quitting Formula ebook and 2 FREE HUGE Bonuses to your email, immediately
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NOTE: This ₦1,997 special offer expires in . I hope you don't miss it

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A Free Man in Days: Get Tobi’s bestselling workbook where he further breaks down EACH of the elements in this formula and then reveals a daily step-by-step course of action to follow to quit bad habits permanently in record time. Simply follow the daily step-by-step action plan in this workbook and victory is guaranteed. Click on YES above to add this special ONE TIME ONLY offer to your order for ONLY ₦7,000 ₦2,997. (This offer is not available anywhere else - and our most successful students chose this upgrade)
The Ultimate Habit Quitting Formula (Ebook)
GH₵ 106
A Free Man in Days (Workbook)
GH₵ 106
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